To customise some of Voyager's behavior to your liking, you can use the
Settings editor, it is accessed through the "Settings" option of the
Settings menu. It will open a new window with a listview on the
left-hand side of it, like the one seen here. Clicking on an item in the
listview changes the display on the right to reflect your seclection.
Command: - this is where you enter the command information for
your button (ie. arexx script).
3.53 Hyperlinks
- Underline hyperlinks - turn off underlined links or show links
as underlined within Voyger.
- Followed links expire after "x" number of days. Any links you
have visited will be automatically deleted from your HD after a certain
number of days.
- Flush now will delete the cache (ie. followed hyperlinks) on your hard drive.
- Download to option allows you to automatically set your
directory for downloading files and images from the web. If you do not set a
directory, Voyager will download to it's PROGDIR: as default.
- Always ask for path will pop up a requestor asking you for a
download directory, each time you go to download a file. It will direct itself
to your chosen 'download to:' path or PROGDIR: if you have failed to choose a
download path.
- Autoclose download window will automatically close the download
window once it has finished downloading chosen files.
- Download window entries will control the function of the
download window. For instance, 'cleanup everything' will automatically cleanup
the contents of the download window. Handy when used with the "Autoclose download
window feature".
3.54 Fonts
There are three types of fonts Voyager uses to display its web pages. The
first group are the left-hand column, the font sizes. These are the fonts
Voyager uses when it encounters a
in the HTML source.
The second group is the Headline fonts. These are used correspondingly
when Voyager sees
where x is a
number from 1-6.
The final font type Voyager uses is Fixed. This is used when a
tag is encountered.
3.55 Colours
Voyager allows you to select the default colours of various parts of web
pages you view, only if the author of the page has not previously defined
colors in their document.
Background selects the background color, over which the
Text is seen. New Link defines the color of a link
on screen that Voyager has not previously visited, while Followed
Link defines the color of a link which has.
Each item opens an MUI color selection window for it.
3.56 Images
- Flicker-free transparent images - if you have a fast AGA Amiga you
can check this option as it reduces flicker on images when you scroll through a
web site. It does, however, use much more memory and will slow image display/scrolling.
- Optimized updating - if checked, Voyager won't render the images while data
is still comming thus saving some CPU time.
- Dithering - select the dithering option for JPG display. None,
Ordered and Floyd-Steinberg are the options available.
- Colour Quantization - allows two options for JPG decoding,
simple and two pass. Two pass will, obviously, give a better colour definition
but take much longer.
- DCT Processing - three options. They counteract speed v better
colour definition. If you have an 040/060 you could pick "Integer, slow but
more accurate". If you are using a slow 020 or 030 processor pick "Integer,
fast but less accurate".
3.57 Fastlinks
Voyager allows the user to define multiple Fastlink buttons. These are simply
defined by filling in the button Label on the left, and the
URL that is associated with it on the right.
If you check "Allow labels stripping" Voyager will be allowed to strip the
contents of the buttons if needed (depending on the layout).
3.58 Network
Here you can configure the Proxy Server Voyager is to use. A Proxy Server
can speed up the browing of commonly-accessed pages, since it keeps the
page locally on it. When a request for the page - say, - arrives, the proxy server simply sends what it
has stored to the browser if the original site has not changed.
- HTTP is the proxy Host and Port number
which Voyager is to connect to for all WWW retrieval. It is not neccessary
to use a Proxy Server for HTTP, but recommended.
- FTP is the proxy that Voyager is to connect to for all FTP
data transfers. This is often the same as the WWW proxy server.
- Gopher and WAIS are generally used a lot less than
HTTP and FTP. Gopher is an alternative file download method.
- No Proxy for hosts and WAIS sometimes a server may not require
you to use a proxy for certain reasons. This option allows to enter the host/s where
proxies will not be used.
Useful if you have a web server locally, or at your ISP and don't want it too be fetched
by the proxy (would only mean more overhead in that case, and no benefit).
Enter as: host1.domain,host2.domain,host3.domain (The formula is host:port).
- Maximum number of connections allows you to set the number of connections
Voyager will open to download files. This doesn't always speed up web browsing, however,
and can even cause buffer overflows within your TCP/IP stack.
The LED's on the Voyager main interface should the number of connections open.
- Offline detection enables the browser to use your TCP/IP stack
to determine whether you are currently online or offline. This will be an
automated process.
You can override this by setting this to 'manual'. You can then choose 'offline
mode' within the settings menu, when you want to read your cache contents
3.59 Cache
- Cache location: allows you define your cache directory. This is where
cached files are stored. As default this will be set to 'PRODIR:cache'.
You could choose any location for the cache. You could even choose ram:, but
your cache would be lost everytime you reboot. We suggest you put the cache on a
partition which is quite small, in case the computer crashes whilst you are
writing to the cache.
- Maximum Size defines the largest size (in kilobytes) that
Voyager's disk cache may grow to. Once it gets to this size, older
documents are removed from the cache to make way for newer ones. Put a size
of 0 to completely disable the cache but you still need to define a cache location
to allow Voyager to store cookies and URL history.
- Empty cache now allows you to delete the current on-disk cache.
- Days between cleanups [x] allows you to set the number of
days between each cache cleanup. The cache cleanup will go through your cache
looking for expired hyperlinks (and associated files - images and so on) and
will delete them from the cache, thus freeing space.
- Verify configures Voyager's cache verification. Voyager can
check when you access a document that resides in its cache to see if it has
been updated since your last access to it. If it has not been changed, it
displayed the cached version. You can tell Voyager to verify the
documents Once per session, Upon every access to the page, or Never (always
use the cache).
- Maximum Size defines the largest size (in kilobytes) that
Voyager's memory cache may grow to. Once it gets to this size, older
documents are removed from the cache to make way for newer ones.
- Empty cache now allows you to delete the current on-disk cache.
- Cache Images? cache images within memory. If you have an AGA or
ECS based Amiga, only cache images if you have a lot of spare memory! We recommend
at least 10MB of spare memory, perhaps more.
3.60 Security
3.61 Certificates
SSL not only encrypts transfer of an online transaction but also "certifies" that the server is the one which it
pretends to be. Thus, every SSL server has a "certificate", which is (cryptographically) signed by a "Certification
Authority". Browsers now ship with a set of Certificates representing "Certification Authority".
Therefore, if Voyager hits a site which presents a certificate, it can look up which "Certification Authority" has signed
the cert, then looks into it's database of known CAs and can compare.
You can edit CERTS to add extra certificates of new CAs, or even accept a site which presents a certificate which isn't
signed by a CA, or by an unknwon CA (it will ask).
You can also activate or deactivate a CERT by double-clicking on the certificate
within the list. The little 'x' arrow next to the certificate will inform you
whether the certificate is activated (x means it is activated).
Below the certificates are checkboxes, to enable or disable SSL options.
The first three enable the 3 supported SSL protocols and whether they should be
checked on or off in normal circumstances:
TLS is the standardised version of SSL; it´s not widely supported yet, and also
crashes on IIS servers and fails with Netscape.
In order to enable protocol bug workarounds, Bugs should be turned on.
SSLv3 is the best protocol to use. It supports more ciphers (168 bit symmetric,
for example), and it supposed to be upward compatible.
What is "Server gated crytography" (SGC)? This is a special feature in
certifactes which enables US export browsers to use 128 bit encryption with a
special permission from the US government; it´s intended for banks etc. It is
inherently supported by Voyager as OpenSSL always attempts full strength
Note that MiamiSSL is used when Voyager's SSL is not installed. If both
are installed, VSSL is used.
3.62 Mail/News
Voyager currently supports mailto: links to send email to
people on the net, and can access an NNTP news server to allow you to
browse Usenet newsgroups. Here is where you can configure your identity to
show the rest of the world.
- Your email address is required so that people can write back
to you. Make sure this is correct!
- Your Real Name is optional, but most people on the net prefer
to know who they are conversing with.
- Organization is an optional field for anyone using Voyager
within a business to fill in their company name for email/news.
- SMTP (mail) server and NNTP (news) are the servers
which Voyager needs to talk to in order to send the mail or news that you
have composed to the correct recipient. If you have any problems with
these, your ISP should be able to help you.
- Mail/News: - when you come across a "mailto:" form, you can write
an email to the recipient. You can do this internally (select "internal"),
using Microdot-II or externally (choose "external").
- Telnet app defines an application to be launched when you
click on a telnet: link within Voyager. %h sends the
hostname in the link to the telnet application, and %p the port (if any).
At Vaporware, of course, we recommend that you use
AmTelnet %h %p.
3.63 Javascript